Rainwater Systems - Old Ways Reinvented
Posted by Jeff Wahl on 10/5/2018 to
Thoughts on Water
Boil water advisories, rising water costs, declining lake levels, incidents of Blue Green Algae, Zebra Mussels, E-Coli and Coliform, adverse well water quality and dry wells have become regular occurrences throughout the province of Ontario.
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Blue Green Algae - Lake Kagawong
Posted by Jeff Wahl on 9/25/2018 to
Water Contaminants
Health unit samples taken by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks have tested positive for the species of bacteria that can produce toxins. Blue Green Algae have the potential to cause serious illness. Do not drink, bath or cook with the water.
Treating Water with a Floor Cleaner?
Posted by Jeff Wahl on 6/20/2018 to
Thoughts on Water
Over the years I have experienced many interesting situations with water quality and testing. This example is most definitely at the top of the list and raises serious concerns about water safety. As part of routine water testing, I showed up to take a sample.
Groundwater - The Changing Well
Posted by Jeff Wahl on 4/24/2018 to
Well Water Quality
The drilling of a well is a welcomed act for many people as it provides the necessity of water for their home or cottage. In Canada we are fortunate to have an abundance of groundwater that can provide a reliable, year round source of water.
Health Unit Water Testing
Posted by Jeff Wahl on 9/1/2017 to
Water Testing & Sampling
When submitting a water sample to a Public Health Unit in the province of Ontario, do you know what is being tested for? Do you assume that the safety of the water is being tested for and the results are a good determination of overall drinking water quality?
Total Dissolved Solids - What You Don't See
Posted by Jeff Wahl on 7/18/2017 to
Water Contaminants
If a glass of water is held up and it is colourless, crystal clear and has no odour would you think there is much wrong with the water? Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) are completely dissolved in a water supply and generally invisible to the human eye.
The Water Elephant - A Public Challenge
Posted by Jeff Wahl on 7/13/2017 to
Thoughts on Water
What you flush is out of sight and mind for most people. The impact of what goes down the drain is an elephant in the room in dire need of attention. Every water source large, small, municipal or rural has come in contact with some level of contaminant.
Water Testing - Home Buyer's Beware
Posted by Jeff Wahl on 12/8/2016 to
Water Testing & Sampling
Buyers will often trust the seller or realtor
when a water sample is submitted to the local health unit. In some
cases, the buyer will simply receive the test results through their
lawyer. The goal of this publication is to raise awareness for the
possibility of tampering.