What are Total Dissolved Solids?
Posted by Jeff Wahl on 12/19/2021 to
Water Contaminants
Over the years, it has become apparent that the majority of people are unaware of the presence of total dissolved solids (TDS) in water. TDS are completely dissolved in a water supply and generally invisible to the human eye.
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UV - Water Cross Contamination
Posted by Jeff Wahl on 9/27/2021 to
UV System Education
Water cross contamination occurs when a water source containing bacteria is allowed to pass through the UV chamber and out into the water piping of an establishment or residence.
Water in Rural Subdivisions
Posted by Jeff Wahl on 8/23/2021 to
Thoughts on Water
Rural communities across the country consist of residences in close proximity to each other, commonly known as a “hamlet”. These “hamlet’s” often do not have municipal water and sewer services due to their small population and area.
Nitrates in Drinking Water
Posted by Jeff Wahl on 6/20/2021 to
Water Contaminants
Nitrates are compounds that occur naturally within the earth but are found in elevated levels in agricultural communities and rural towns. While they do not present any taste or odor, drinking elevated levels of nitrates can cause illness.
Well Water Quality
Posted by Jeff Wahl on 6/19/2021 to
Well Water Quality
A drilled well is a mainstay for many Canadians, with 30 percent of residents, or nine million residents, within Canada obtaining their water from a ground water source. Approximately 15 percent of this water is within rural areas.
What is Hard Water?
Posted by Jeff Wahl on 12/20/2020 to
Water Contaminants
Hard water is generally found in areas that are composed of limestone. Calcium and magnesium are absorbed into the water as it comes in contact with the limestone. The level of absorption varies by region. Hardness in water is found in both deep drilled and shore wells.
How to Remove Lead from Water
Posted by Jeff Wahl on 12/19/2020 to
Water Contaminants
Lead is toxic and can be harmful to human health, even in small amounts. It can pose a significant public health risk if ingested or dissolved in drinking water. Scientists agree there is no level of lead that is considered safe.
Best Residential UV Systems of 2020
Posted by Jeff Wahl on 11/19/2020 to
UV System Education
Choosing an ultra violet disinfection system to treat your water can be a challenging and complicated purchase as there are many different models on the market. How do you know what system to trust with your water quality?